Open Access and the early career researcher: resources

We are running a session today on “Open Access” for our research students. These are some of the resources we mention in the session:

The Vitae “Focus on open researchers within open research” website has a wealth of resources. This quote sums the reasons why PGR students need to know about this topic:

“Individuals aspiring to a research career need the knowledge and skills to operate effectively in an open research environment. Developing in this area will help you to open doors and access opportunities that could benefit you as a professional”

Open Access for ECR Advocates


Open Theses

Whilst most universities have e-theses repositories, there are some issues raised with making theses open access:

If you have any other good resources specifically focused on research students or ECRs then let us know in the comments!

Our Swansea University web pages on Open Access.

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