5 Quick Ways to populate your ORCiD

ORCID_AddWorksSwansea University researchers are being encouraged to sign up for an ORCiD (the unique researcher identifier) and add it to our system so it appears on their staff web page and in RIS. There are 3 quick ways to add your publications to the “Works” section of an ORCiD:

1. CrossRef: in ORCiD, you can select “Add Works”, “Search & Link”, then “CrossRef Metadata Search”: you should find CrossRef has a substantial number of your publications, including books and chapters (even for humanities). You can go down the list and select “Add to ORCiD”. However, you have to do this one-by-one.

2. Scopus: again, using “Add Works”, “Search & Link”, then “Scopus to ORCiD” you can pull publications into ORCiD from the massive Elsevier Scopus database. Scopus has good coverage for STEM areas. Humanities, Social Science & book data is increasing but likely to be incomplete. Using this option also forces you to review your Scopus profile (useful for citation metrics).

3. BibTex import: if all your publications are on RIS there is a way to export them from Cronfa to ORCiD. We have already blogged about this – it involves downloading a file from Cronfa, then uploading to ORCiD. The metadata would need reviewing and tidying, if necessary. This method can also be used from EndNote or anywhere that allows you to export a set of references as a BibTex file.

4. “Europe PubMed Central” another “Search&Link” option within ORCiD which may be useful to health researchers.

If you’re lucky enough you may also have the bonus option to:

5. Get someone to do it for you: ORCiD allows you to set up a “Trusted Individual” (under Account Settings). That person has to be an ORCiD user (so they need to sign up first), then you can give them access to manage your account without divulging your password.

Exporting publications from RIS to another system

If you want to set up a new research profile (such as an ORCiD) then a new feature on Cronfa can help! Research staff at Swansea University are required to enter all their publications onto our Research Information System (RIS). This then feeds them out to their staff web page, our institutional repository Cronfa and other processes such as REF. You can get publications into RIS directly from ORCiD but until recently there has been no easy way to get publications out of RIS into another system.

RIS feeds publications into Cronfa: a recent enhancement to Cronfa means that researchers can now export their publications from there BUT this will only capture outputs in RIS which have the “Public” flag ticked so that they appear on Cronfa (you will see a red Cross next to your output in RIS if it is not currently public).

In Cronfa, navigate to your author page: you can do this by searching for one of your outputs and then clicking on the “Swansea University author” name (highlighted in yellow below):


An author page looks like this:


At the top (highlighted yellow in the screenshot) there is an “Export all as” option. You can choose either EndNote or BibTex. If you select “BibTex”, you can manually edit the file name and add a “.bib” extension.

BibTex is used, for example, by ORCiD as one of their import options so this provides a quick route to populate your ORCiD profile with all your publications, particularly if you have publications which are not indexed in major databases such as Scopus.

If you wish to export a selection of outputs from Cronfa, you can use the “Bookbag” functionality. On any search results page you can select specific outputs and use the “Add to Bookbag”. The suitcase item at the top of the screen lets you view your “Bookbag” and there is an export option there for Refworks, EndNote and BibTex.



Bring a Zombie ORCID back to life


With rumours of the researcher identifier ORCID being mandatory for the next REF, I came across the concept of the “Zombie ORCID” on this blog post (recounting an ORCID workshop run by the OU):

“Most people who had encountered ORCID had been prompted to add an ORCID by publisher or funder submission systems.  So people had created ORCIDs in order to complete the submission of an article or a bid… and probably hadn’t done anything with their ORCID account afterwards.  So what’s the wider impact of this – researchers signing up for ORCIDs to comply with funder publisher requirements but not really knowing what it’s for, or what to do with it?  Zombie accounts we called them… and that’s a problem.”

If you have created an ORCID for an administrative reason in the past and then not done anything further with it, take a few moments to bring it back to life!

  1. Check your details are up to date by signing in and tweaking your account details if necessary: if you need to alter your email, it’s a simple process requiring verification.
  2. It’s very easy to add your publication history to your ORCID and give it real value: ORCID has a variety of ways to get your papers in automatically without typing: it connects directly with the following bibliometric sources:
    • CrossRef: this will draw on a vast amount of publication metadata. Tip: put a “+” in front of each word to get results that include both names e.g. +Samantha +Oakley This is a particularly useful option for Humanities or Social Science areas where coverage in the other databases may not be so good, particularly for book chapters. You can even sign up for CrossRef to auto-update your ORCID profile with new publications, ensuring it never becomes a zombie again.
    • Scopus: the massive Elsevier database has a profile for each author on a paper it has indexed. You may wish to also check your Scopus profile is correct too, showing all your publications.
    • Web of Science (Researcher ID): the rival Thomson Reuter database also has its own identifier and database. It may give slightly different results to Scopus but the two are likely to be similar.
    • European PubMed Central: useful for those in health-related areas.
    • If you have your papers in a reference management tool like EndNote or Mendeley, ORCID provides an import and export of “Bibtex” formatted files of references. Just look for the option to export your papers from within EndNote or Mendeley.
  3. Add your ORCID to your HR information on Swansea University’s Agresso Business World HR system : it will then appear on your staff web page and in RIS (you can pull your outputs into RIS from ORCID). See our post on using your ORCID in SU systems for more information.
  4. Above all else, use your ORCID on any funding applications or publications: the more you use it, the more future work can be attributed to the authoritative record of your academic profile. This not only avoids your work being wrongly attributed to others of the same or similar name, but also means you have a neat online profile and single point of reference for all your achievements.

As more and more places require researchers to have an ORCID, it’s important to make sure yours is a true reflection of your work and not an empty page!

Using your ORCID in SU systems

If you have an ORCID researcher identifier (and if not – highly recommended that you get one!) then it can be used in Swansea University systems as follows:

  • Enter your ORCID in Agresso Business World (ABW) –  instructions here (PDF)
  • Your ORCID will then appear in RIS (our Research Information System) after a delay for RIS to update – this does not happen immediately. Once it appears in RIS, you can import publications from ORCID. This is a really quick and easy way to add any past papers.
  • Your ORCID will also appear on your staff web page (see an example here).

ORCID is now used to build the free ImpactStory profile for tracking the impact of your research outputs – another good reason to get one!

Have you got your ORCID yet? Swansea University researchers encouraged to sign up!

We have been promoting the ORCID researcher identifier for some time now. Since its launch in 2012 the supporters of ORCID have grown in number and include such high profile organizations as Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Nature, Thomson Reuters and the Wellcome Trust (where it is now compulsory for their grant applications).

This year RCUK have announced it “will immediately explore options to incorporate the use of ORCID in its systems“, JISC have launched an ORCID national consortium agreement for UK institutions and HEFCE have been advised in a report they commissioned that “ORCID should be mandatory for all researchers in the next REF“.

Examples of ORCID profiles from Swansea University researchers can be found here, here and here but it’s ORCID’s interoperability that makes it so useful – it works well with Researcher ID and SCOPUS as well as Researchfish, for example.

Swansea University & ORCID

Swansea University took part in a JISC project for ORCID integration last year and so far we have the following in place:

  • An ORCID can be entered in the Agresso Business World HR system (which you can find listed under “Home“).The screenshot below shows where to enter it – first go to “My Personnel information”, then select tab “Research Career Details”. It will then feed through to RIS – this is not an instant update so check back the next day.

Screenshot showing where to enter your ORCID on ABW

  • Once an ORCID is linked to RIS, we have a beta version of an import from ORCID to RIS. For those who find the one-by-one manual or DOI entry into RIS too laborious, the option of building your publications list in ORCID and then moving it across should be welcome. Let us know how this goes if you try it (iss-research@swansea.ac.uk) and we can feedback to the developer any problems encountered .
  • We have joined the ORCID national consortium agreement organized by JISC so will be looking to develop further the use of ORCID at Swansea Uni. For example, an ORCID is not yet displayed on staff web pages (or in Cronfa) but we are looking at ways to make this happen.

New ORCID Automatic Update

ORCID itself is going from strength to strength. As well as the increasing adoption by significant partners, they have also announced an automatic update option with CrossRef and DataCite:

“Upon receipt of data from a publisher or data center with a valid identifier, Crossref or DataCite can automatically push that information to the researcher’s ORCID record”

When CrossRef or Datacite have an update linked to your ORCID they will ask for your permission to update your ORCID with that work – unless you revoke the permission, they will then update future additions automatically. This relies on your ORCID being associated with your published works.

Get an ORCID now!

To get an ORCID, head over to orcid.org and sign up. We have a guidance sheet if you need help. Or find out more: contact us at iss-research@swansea.ac.uk

ORCID import to RIS now available

Swansea University’s internal Research Information System (RIS) now has a one-way import from ORCID. Anyone wanting an easier way to update their publications in RIS can transfer them in bulk from their ORCID (or just update with additional outputs). The import button is on the Outputs tab:

Screenshot from the RIS outputs tab showing the Import button for ORCID

This functionality is available once you have entered your ORCID in the ABW (HR) system. There may be a short delay before it appears in RIS.

Not got an ORCID? You should! ORCID has become the indispensable researcher identifier used by funders, publishers and more. You can sign up on the ORCID website and we have a guide on how to populate your id (PDF).

Please let us know (iss-research@swansea.ac.uk) if you have any problems or feedback for the ORCID import.

What you said about RIS…

Photo of post-its with RIS feedback on

Back in April we ran a series of groups to gather staff feedback on Swansea University’s Research Information System (RIS). Many thanks to all staff who participated! We had some excellent feedback and ideas across the 4 groups we ran (and some additional one-to-one conversations yielded further feedback).

We recorded all the individual comments, grouped them and scored them (attendees were asked for priorities). Some of our feedback was from RIS Administrators and focused specifically on the Admininstration tab within RIS – some minor changes have been implemented already (e.g. a new staff lookup) and other changes are currently in progress. The results relating to the general user interface are presented below. The top 10 change requests were as follows:

  1. Greater clarity and simplicity for the process of publishing documents (full text) to Cronfa: “public” flags and ticks are currently confusing.
  2. It should be possible to upload a document when adding the metadata of an output (not as a subsequent step on the separate “Documents” tab as at present).
  3. More information in the “i” help fields – what effect certain fields have and are they necessary? This covers a multitude of queries on specific fields.
  4. Confusion about dates (publication / authored / in print) in RIS and which are required. We are also missing the “Date of Acceptance” which needs to be added for REF compliance.
  5. Synchronization with ORCID so that publications could be imported from ORCID to RIS and vice versa.
  6. Adding authors for an output: to be able to do this when adding the output details (at the moment you have to save the output, then edit to add additional authors manually)
  7. Additional fields needed when adding full-text documents to RIS (e.g. version, notes).
  8. The ability to populate RIS from a search on a database such as SCOPUS or Web of Science.
  9. Allow for greater flexibility in terms of visibility on Cronfa and staff web pages: at the moment the “Publish” option covers both locations but staff would like to be able to publish documents on a staff web page and not Cronfa, for example.
  10. Confusion over the “co-authored” flag and what it means.

There was also feedback on the problem of duplicate records appearing in Cronfa (an example here). This would require a major revision to the RIS system which cannot be undertaken at present (see below) however the developers are looking at options for workarounds.

As most research staff are aware, RIS is currently experiencing high usage due to the Research Excellence Framework planning activities underway in most colleges. Changes to the user interface are therefore on hold until these exercises are over. We are hopeful that there will be a new release for RIS in the late summer / early autumn (after beta testing) which will address most of the points listed above.

If you would like to send feedback on RIS, please email us on iss-research@swansea.ac.uk and we will continue to collate ideas and suggestions.

Research Impact – 5 tools to get you and your research noticed!

Thanks to all of you who came along to today’s session in which we looked at some tools you can use to raise your research profile. We looked at Google Scholar,  Researcher Identity, Pivot Profiles (funding database), ResearchGate, Academia.edu and using social media like Twitter.

 For those who were unable to attend, you can find all the materials & guides we used online on our Research Impact  pages.